Goals for 2023 ๐ŸŽฏ

These are my goals and progress back from 2023. Check out my current goals.
Total progress: 91.05%

Get my pilot's license ๐Ÿ‘จโ€โœˆ๏ธ


In 2023 this will be my main goal, and also the one that takes most of my time and effort.

  • Reach the required 100 hours of ground training
    March 2
  • Pass the white test
    April 24
  • Pass the official written exam
    June 13
    October 10
  • Get a minimum of 45 flight hours
  • First solo flight
  • First solo cross country flight
  • Pass the practical exam (skill test)

Get fitter ๐Ÿ’ช


In the last two years I got a bit - fluffy. I want to get back to my normal weight and feel good about myself again.

  • Reach "Healthy" BMI (24.9)
    March 31
  • Reach body fat < 17%
  • Fit into my old pants
    March 3
  • Lose 10 kg
  • Feel good with myself

Be active as a public speaker ๐ŸŽค


I want to be an active public speaker, so I have a few goals to achieve this

  • Speak at 2 in-person events
  • Speak at 2 virtual events
  • Moderate 3 events (can be mixed)

Ship my flying tools platform ๐Ÿ’ป


As a side project to keep myself on my toes with coding, I want to create a project that provides flying tools for pilots.

  • Build the site skeleton
    January 1
  • Build first feature
    October 19
  • Make first feature production-ready
    December 27
  • Present it to my peers at the flight club
    December 28